The Access Key Pledge

Make the Commitment, to Support Psychedelic Access for All

How You Can Join The Movement

Be an Advocate

As psychedelic assisted therapy presents a major shift in the field of mental health, we still face financial, cultural, and  issues that create access barriers for QT/BIPOC. we are calling upon therapists, care providers, clinics, researchers, organizations, and individuals in the psychedelic space to make a pledge that centers accessibility and inclusion for BIPOC and queer people.

The Access Key Pledge

We believe the time has come for conversations about access in the psychedelic field to move out of the brainstorming stage into action. We invite our elders, peers, colleagues and friends to join us in committing to this next step in the evolution of Access for All. With this commitment, values that honor Indigenous Wisdom, Cultural Accessibility, Affordability of Care and Fair Compensation, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and Justice Beyond Psychedelics are upheld with active implementation of the pledge as stated below: 

  • Indigenous Wisdom: I am committed to recognizing and honoring the wisdom and traditions of Indigenous peoples and will engage in reciprocity with these communities and work to understand the difference between cultural appropriation and consensual cultural exchange. 


1. Creating accountable and sustainable partnerships with indigenous communities, organizations, and people.

2. Direct financial support to Indigenous peoples (i.e. offering pro-bono services, voluntarily pay indigenous land taxes).

  • Cultural Accessibility: I am committed to ensuring that BIPOC and queer people receive culturally accessible care that recognizes and centers the unique lived experience of these clients within their cultural frameworks.


1. Explore internal hidden biases with professionals that can support transcending blindspots. 

2. Create and participate in cultural competency trainings for care providers across a wide spectrum of identities and experiences.

3. Cultivate authentic relationships with marginalized communities that you seek to support.

  • Affordability of Care and Fair Compensation: I am committed to exploring and employing innovative models to close the gap between providing financially accessible care and assuring that care providers are fairly compensated


1. Creating and funding scholarships for BIPOC and queer people seeking all forms of care.

2. Implementing non-exploitative labor practices in the employment of Queer and BIPOC care providers. 

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: I am committed to the inclusion of diverse peoples and uplifting silenced voices in the psychedelic space.


    1. Prioritizing the creation and preservation of diverse leadership teams.
    2. Targeted recruitment of underrepresented people in psychedelic clinical trials.
    3. Create and support the existence of exclusive healing spaces for BIPOC and queer communities.
  • Justice Beyond Psychedelics:

A. I am committed to extending the boundaries of my activism, organizing, and impact beyond the psychedelic community.

B. I am also committed to unraveling colonial ideology and systems that divorce me from true awareness of my positionality in relationship to people, plants, animals, beings, and the planet.


1. I will make every attempt to understand the unfathomable extent of the multigenerational harm the drug war has caused.

2. Engage in active scholarship on the importance of being in solidarity with the decriminalization of all illicit substances and taking a stance on the side of justice for all.

7 + 3 =

Free Directory Membership

Access to Doorways is offering a one year of free membership for our  “Psychedelic Access Directory” for the first 100 QT/BIPOC providers who take the pledge. Please click below if you are a QT/BIPOC therapist who would like to join our directory (we will email you an access code and further membership information).

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